
Digital Detox: Weg mit dem Smartphone
Atina Cosmetics

Digital Detox: Get rid of your smartphone

As is well known, joy and suffering are close together. And as practical as it is to be available anytime, anywhere and have access to all sorts of things, constant...

Atina Cosmetics

Digital Detox: Get rid of your smartphone

As is well known, joy and suffering are close together. And as practical as it is to be available anytime, anywhere and have access to all sorts of things, constant...

Warum es okay ist, auch mal Schwächen zu zeigen
Atina Cosmetics

Why it's okay to show weaknesses sometimes

Just don't show weakness! We all know the moments in which our otherwise thick skin is a little more permeable than usual. Many people find it difficult to accept these...

Atina Cosmetics

Why it's okay to show weaknesses sometimes

Just don't show weakness! We all know the moments in which our otherwise thick skin is a little more permeable than usual. Many people find it difficult to accept these...

Geschenke, Geschenke
Atina Cosmetics

Gifts, gifts

Well, have you got all your Christmas essentials together yet? No? Don't worry: you still have a good two weeks! Maybe this year you would like to give your loved...

Atina Cosmetics

Gifts, gifts

Well, have you got all your Christmas essentials together yet? No? Don't worry: you still have a good two weeks! Maybe this year you would like to give your loved...

Gute Nacht: Wieso Schlaf so wichtig für uns ist
Atina Cosmetics

Goodnight: Why sleep is so important for us

Did you know that the human body can survive for up to two months without food, but only several days without sleep? In fact, we spend a good third of...

Atina Cosmetics

Goodnight: Why sleep is so important for us

Did you know that the human body can survive for up to two months without food, but only several days without sleep? In fact, we spend a good third of...

Entschleunigung: Wieder zu sich selbst finden
Atina Cosmetics

Deceleration: Find yourself again

Do the best always and everywhere. Deliver full performance. Constantly trying to balance job, family, friends and hobbies. We all certainly know the feeling of being on a hamster wheel....

Atina Cosmetics

Deceleration: Find yourself again

Do the best always and everywhere. Deliver full performance. Constantly trying to balance job, family, friends and hobbies. We all certainly know the feeling of being on a hamster wheel....

Dein Beauty-Tag in den eigenen vier Wänden
Atina Cosmetics

Your beauty day in your own four walls

Relax, take care of yourself and pamper yourself from head to toe with a very personal beauty day. We all dream about that, right? Good news: You don't need an...

Atina Cosmetics

Your beauty day in your own four walls

Relax, take care of yourself and pamper yourself from head to toe with a very personal beauty day. We all dream about that, right? Good news: You don't need an...