
Pflege von Kopf bis Fuß
Atina Cosmetics

Care from head to toe

The face tends to be more exposed to environmental influences such as UV rays and dirt compared to the rest of the body because it is not constantly covered by...

Atina Cosmetics

Care from head to toe

The face tends to be more exposed to environmental influences such as UV rays and dirt compared to the rest of the body because it is not constantly covered by...

Heiß und kalt – Wechselduschen für die Gesundheit
Atina Cosmetics

Hot and cold – alternating showers for your health

Hot and cold: The healing effect of alternating between warm and cold water goes back to the theologian Sebastian Kneipp. He himself suffered from a lung disease and discovered information...

Atina Cosmetics

Hot and cold – alternating showers for your health

Hot and cold: The healing effect of alternating between warm and cold water goes back to the theologian Sebastian Kneipp. He himself suffered from a lung disease and discovered information...